Changing existing code in a software program is one of the most common things software programmers do in their day to day jobs. For a well maintained piece of code such as the Linux kernel the frequency of changes could be quite high, and pervasive changes touching a more than double digit source files are not that rare.
Patch1 is a set of
changes to a program. Patches, as shown in the following example, contains +
indicating lines which are to be added and -
indicating lines which are to be
removed. Patches could be applied not just to source code, but also for data and
configuration files as well.
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ u32 method_id, const struct acpi_buffer *in, struct acpi_buffer *out)
block = &wblock->gblock;
handle = wblock->handle;
- if (!block->flags & ACPI_WMI_METHOD)
+ if (!(block->flags & ACPI_WMI_METHOD))
This patch, which is an actual bug fix in acpi drivers2, is fixing a
subtle precendence issue with with the !
operator when uesd with bitwise
operators. The intent here is to check if it is not an ACPI_WMI_METHOD
, but
the original experession (!block->flags & ACPI_WMI_METHOD)
is buggy. A simple
fix is to parenthesise the whole expression so that we do negatiion after all
bitwise operations, and that’s exactly what the above patch does in a
speciffic source location as indicated in the preamble, which is the section
between @@
symbols, of the patch.
In a kernel with millions of lines of code there high chance that bugs of similar nature will be present in more than one file or function. Fixing such bugs manually would be would be quite tedious since it is not even simple to identify all the places where there are similar issues. It is not that simple to write even a grep expression to find all such cases since simple source code search does not take into account C expressions and statements at a semantic level.
To generalise this patch to apply to all boolean checks following this pattern of usage we need to capture the semantics of intent of the change. That’s where semantic patches comes in.
Semantic patches
Semantic patches are a generalisation on the patches which captures the change at an intent level going beyond the source level.
Let’s quickly examine how to express the semantic intent of the above (raw) patch. To fix this particular class of bugs what we want to do is to recognise source code in matching,
!Expression & Constant
To transform code to following form,
!(Expression & Constant)
Here, expression and constant have precise semantics in the C language3.
Coccinelle is a program matching and transformation tool which applies semantic patches to C source code. This tool started its life as a patching tool for Linux kernel drivers, but now has been extended and improved to be used in any kind of C program.
In Coccinelle a semantic patch is given by the SmPL Patch language. A SmPL patch for the above change can be written as follows2,
expression E;
constant C;
- !E & C
+ !(E & C)
At a high level it is easy to see what we are trying to accomplish here. First
we are interesting an expression which we capture with variable E
and then we
are also interested in a constant after the (literal) bitwise &
which we captuer as C
. Then other parts of the SmPL patch is similar to the
original source level patch we showed before. In the semantic patch we
substiture variables to make the patch generic and location independent. Thus
the SmPL patch can be applied to any instance of this bug occurring in various
source files.
A SmPL patch is designed to mimic a raw patch from a syntactic standpoint so that it is easy to see what the patch intends to accomplish.
Semantic patching pipeline
When it comes to C programs Coccinelle transformations are applied as follows.
- Processes C source code files one at at time ignoring header files.
- In a source file, Coccinelle then applies the rules on a C function level.
- Processing of a function is based on control-flow graph. This allows Coccinelle to be precisely detect early returns from a function, for example.
Limitations of Coccinelle approach
I think what made Coccinelle successful is the focus on what it is not as much as what it is. Concretely, it does not try,
- To be a static analysis tool - Coccinelle does not do alias analysis or other dataflow analysis.
- Only best case support for type inference - Coccinelle by default does not process headers and thus does not have complete type information.
- Lenient and fast parsing
There are other optimisations which Coccinelle does to make it a usable and pragmatic tool used by possibly hundreds (or thousands?) of developers. Coccinelle has been quite successful in making an impact on Linux kernel development. Over 6000 commits mention Coccinelle in their commit messages4. This paper, Coccinelle: 10 Years of Automated Evolution in the Linux Kernel to get a perspective on Coccinelle’s evolution and impact on Linux kernel development in the last 10 years.
Coccinelle for Java
Coccinelle4J4 is a project on applying the techniques learnt from a decade of research and engineering on transforming C programs, to Java programs. Even though syntactically C and Java belong to the same family, advanced type system and object oriented nature of Java brings its own challenges.
You might be wondering aren’t IDEs like IntelliJ IDEA5 already pretty good at refactorings? But Coccinelle enables more complex refactorings since you even have support for scripting to make complex decisions whether to apply a patch or not, as in the following example from paper6, which removes spurious semicolons after if header.
expression E; statement S;
position p1,p2;
if@p1 (E);
p1 << r.p1; p2 << r.p2;
if (p1[0].col >= p2[0].col):
expression E; statement S;
position r.p1;
if@p1 (E)
- ;
I was quite impressed when I learned about Coccinelle and its impact on the evolution on the Linux kernel and I would like to end the this post with a quote from a Linux kernel developer7,
Coccinelle is one of those schizophrenic projects situated on the boundary between academic research and practical software development.