Bulk search and replace with ripgrep and sed

Following a post on a couple of neat tricks I learned while bulk changing links in org-mode text files. I keep scanned hand written notes in PDF format in the main notes directory with org-mode files. Then I link them as appropriate on daily notes I might keep while working on tasks etc. Scanned notes were dumped in a single directory before the start of this year. This was soon getting quite messy as notes got accumulated over the months and with the new year, I wanted a better organisation structure for the notes....

January 17, 2021

Configuring Fish Shell

I have been eyeing to change the default shell from Zsh to Fish shell for a while now, but never made the transition because I missed a couple of power tools and configurations which didn’t work in the quite the same way on fish. After giving fish shell configuration another go, I found that I could configure fish to match the functionality of my current zsh configuration with some new features and niceties which comes with a modern shell....

April 1, 2018

Using Fasd for Command Line Navigation

Changing working directories is one of the most common operations you do while working on the command line. While tab completion can help make path completion more efficient, it is still a chore to do things manually, especially when moving back and forth between commonly worked on project locations. fasd is a tools which can help improve the efficiency of navigating the file system. Fasd tool is a shell tool which integrates with shells to remember directories and files you have worked on recectly....

February 7, 2018