Emacs Custom Compilation

One of the convenient things I quite like about Sublime Text is the easy to setup build system1. It is pretty easy to add a custom build setup with Sublime Text, to compile a single C++17 source file, for example. Once configured it is very efficient and keyboard friendly to compile and run a C++ program with a single key press, F7 with default key bindings. This blog post is about how to configure Emacs in a similar vein....

April 20, 2020

Bookmarking with org-mode

I thought about writing a short post on how I tend to capture bookmarks using org-mode1 these days. Capture template I have following org-capture template2, defined in my Emacs configuration file based on the Doom config3, ;; Capture template ("l" "Daily Bookmarks" entry (file+headline (lambda () (personal-note 'daily)) "Bookmarks") "** %(org-cliplink-capture)%?\n" :unnarrowed t) ;; Utility function (defun personal-note (ntype) (cond ((string= 'daily ntype) (concat org-directory (format-time-string "/%Y/%B_%-e.org"))) ((string= 'work ntype) (concat org-directory (format-time-string "/work/%Y/note_%m_%d....

April 8, 2020