Following a post on a couple of neat tricks I learned while bulk changing links in org-mode text files.
I keep scanned hand written notes in PDF format in the main notes directory with org-mode files. Then I link them as appropriate on daily notes I might keep while working on tasks etc. Scanned notes were dumped in a single directory before the start of this year. This was soon getting quite messy as notes got accumulated over the months and with the new year, I wanted a better organisation structure for the notes.
Moving existing files was quite simple because I only had scanned notes for the last year (2020) and all of them could be moved to the 2020 directory. But the problem was updating existing links to them in existing org-mode notes files.
I had to change links with diffs such as follows and I wanted to automate the task instead of manually fix them in 50 or so odd files!
-[[file:~/Dropbox/Documents/Notes/Pages/Scan 15 Dec 2020.pdf][Dec 15, 2020]].
+[[file:~/Dropbox/Documents/Notes/Pages/2020/Scan 15 Dec 2020.pdf][Dec 15, 2020]].
After thinking about this problem a bit I thought of using ripgrep
1 and
for the task.
Coming up with the search and replace command was the easy part, but it wasn’t
as straightforward to find out how to pipe things together using xargs
that most of the examples and stackoverflow answers assume the use of GNU tools.
Command for bulk change
Following is the final command I used for the bulk change of links in org-mode text files,
rg 'Notes/Pages/Scan*' -l | xargs -I@ sed -i '' 's,Pages/Scan,Pages/2020/Scan,g' @
It is worth breaking down the command and discuss about parts which were tailored for the job to make it easier to follow.
) option to get a list of files which matches the search expression
Use of
option for substitution - as in the following example a variable can be used for substituting output. The variable can be any symbol. Following example, and its output should make it clear what’s going on with the command substitution.-
> echo hello | xargs -I_ echo _ _ hello hello
- Use of custom separator
makes it cleaner when there/
in the search and replace expressions as in the original example -i ''
this option has to be given on macOS and this was the head scratcher. While GNUsed
accepts empty-i
argument, it has to be given empty''
on macOS.
Ripgrep is an overkill for this particular search where
would be equally sufficient. Butrg
is easier to type and that’s what I used! ↩︎